Sunday, January 10, 2016

Harvesting pork at Old Sturbridge Village

Interpreter describing how they will butcher the hog.
On the right, making sausages.

Sheep wondering why I'm not feeding them.

Monday, January 4, 2016

NYC Urban Sketchers Double Feature

The NYC Urban Sketchers were busy this weekend, first sketching at The Hispanic Society (stopping for lunch at La Libertad) and then enjoying a workshop given by Hugo Costa in the 6th borough, Jersey City.

My sketches of tiles.
My sketch of the dancing Madonna from Ecuador.
Painted at Hugo's workshop from the esplanade at Jersey City.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

More sketches from Panama

Fort San Lorenzo near Colon.

Fort San Lorenzo.

Ships waiting to enter the canal.  We passed them taking the ferry to Isla Taboga.

Not a sketch, but a photo of Hotel Washington in Colon, where the big wigs entertained.

Inside Igelsia de la Merced, Panama City. My favorite church there, which is why I'm including a photo.